Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gumball Math Sheets

Searching Pinterest for fun math projects for my daughters; I pinned a linked titled, "Gumball Math".  When I tried to open the link, I quickly discovered the link was inactive.  Loving the concept of the idea, I decided to create my own gumball math sheets. When my daughter was counting to the teens, she would often recount her stamps when adding more ink to her pencil. The redundant pattern helped her memorize the numbers. She quickly caught on and has conquered counting to twenty! My four year old was able to use the sheets for counting up to ten.

The sheets are scanned copies. If you prefer the hard copy, please email: 
I will be happy to email you the word doc. 

We used a stamp pad and the top of the pencil to create the gumballs.

  Children can either use the same tools or they can use stamps, stickers, or markers.

1 comment:

  1. My pleasure! The above is scan copies, I have no idea how to attach a word doc to the blog. If you would like the word doc, feel free to email me at:
