Monday, March 4, 2013

Pop Rock and Soda Experiment Using the 5 Senses

We headed to our play table with our science journals in hand to perform the "Pop Rock and Soda Experiment".  I stretched the experiment further by discussing how our 5 senses reacted through out the process.
2-3 Packet of Rock-Pops
1 Round balloon
1 Bottle of clear carbonated soda
Journals (If you want to keep a log)

 Before we started the experiment, we discussed that the soda contains tons of tiny bubbles called carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Then I opened one bag of Rock Pops and we examined the texture and color of the  rocks. The Pop Rocks also contain carbon stored with 600 pounds of pressures. When the two are mixed together, they cause a physical reaction producing foam in the soda. The foam will then release the CO2. The building CO2 will inflate the balloon.

Then it was time for the taste test! I asked the girls what they thought would happen once they placed the candy into their mouth. This was their very first time sampling this popping treat. I asked them to put their ears up to the candy and asked what they heard. My five year old said she could hear little pop sounds. Then I allowed both girls to place the candies into their mouth. Once they had a taste of a pile of candy, I asked them what they felt now that candy had a reaction inside their mouth. Emma on her own said, "Mommy the popping is loud now!".  For the sense of touch, I asked them what they felt going inside their mouth, and if it felt different then when the candies where in their hands. 
As we filled the balloon with Rock Pops, we came up with our hypothesis of the reaction the candies would have with the soda.  
Once the balloon was filled, we careful placed the balloon around the top of the soda bottle. Make sure the candies stay inside the balloon at this point.
Once the balloon is secure, lift the balloon up and allow the candies to fall inside the soda.
I pointed out that the tiny bubbles started to rise to the surface, creating foam and filling the balloon with carbon gas. We watched as the balloon became bigger and bigger.
Now that the balloon was filled it was time to tie it up!
We finalized our experiment by pouring the soda into glasses to see what change occurred with the soda. The soda became a light color of pink from our strawberry flavored Rock Pops and had a hint of berry smell and taste.

 The girls had a blast performing this experiment! Plus, there was the extra perk of being able to eat candy and splitting a soda between sisters.
I stumbled on this experiment on the Steve Spangler Blog  
        I also researched the reaction between the Pop Rocks and soda on Your Dictionary Since.

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